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The Range Working From Home Guide

Our top 10 Ergonomic Tips

Adaptions to the modern workforce means we spend more and more time working from home in all sorts of weird and wonderful set ups. It is important to ensure we don’t assume poor postures and develop bad habits. Sitting in an awkward posture for a prolonged period of time creates  a build-up of cumulative load on your body. This cumulative load can lead to grumpy joints, tight muscles and pain. To reduce this cumulative load it is important to ensure your desk is setup  well to reduce time spent in awkward postures.

Here are our 10 top tips for optimizing your desk setup that you can implement today:

  1. Optimal monitor height and position: The top of your computer screen should be level with your horizontal line of sight at a distance equal to your extended arm. Your  monitor should also be directly in front of you so you don’t have to twist your head  and neck. We love sit-to-stand desks wherever possible – a great way to incorporate a little more movement into your day!
  2. Invest in the right chair for your body: A good chair should have the following  adjustable features: height, seat tilt, back rest and arm rests.
  3. Correct your arm position: Make sure your elbows rest just above desk height and  are parallel to the floor. If you find this difficult or tiring try a chair with an adjustable arm rest.
  4. Key board and mouse setup: Position the mouse and keyboard close so that you  don’t over-reach, allowing you to maintain a neutral wrist position.
  5. Be smart with paperwork: Use a document holder close to the screen and keep all  documents within your line of vision to minimize excessive head movements and  neck strain.
  6. Use a lumbar support: This is a great way to improve spinal alignment from the base of the spine upwards. Also ensure you poke your bottom right back into the base of your chair so that your lumbar support is effective.
  7. The three finger rule: Optimal seating position can be measured by a three finger gap between the back of your calves and the front of your chair. We typically recommend having your hips at an angle of 90-120 degrees.
  8. Use a foot rest: If your feet aren’t positioned comfortably flat on the floor, make use  of a foot rest to ensure your body is properly aligned from the floor up.
  9. Watch that phone: Do you spend a lot of time on the phone? Think about getting a  headset to reduce pressure on your neck and twisting movements to reach for your  phone. Also be mindful of where your phone is positioned on your desk.
  10. Relax! Although it may feel strange and different initially, optimal desk setup should feel easy and encourage a more relaxed posture once you become accustomed to it.

Remember to Move! Take some time to create extra movement in your day. Get up and do some star jumps, walk around the block when you are on the phone, stand and stretch at regular intervals.

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