Strong Bones: Osteoporosis Exercise Program

Strong Bones:
Osteoporosis Exercise Program

Enhance Bone Health and Minimise Fracture Risks

The Strong Bones program, offered at Range Physio, is thoughtfully designed to boost bone density and muscle mass, particularly benefiting individuals managing osteoporosis or osteopenia. This evidence-based program incorporates exercises following the fundamental principles of bone enhancement: high intensity resistance training and weightbearing / bone loading. It’s essential to undergo supervised sessions for safety and to reap the optimal rewards this program has to offer.

Why Choose the Strong Bones Program?

Range Physio’s Strong Bones program is firmly rooted in well-foundedresearch, particularly the findings from the LIFTMOR trial published in 2017. This trial involved twice-weekly supervised exercise sessions spanning eight months for individuals with low bone mass. The study compared high-intensity resistance training with low-intensity exercise. The results were striking, showcasing significant improvements in lower back and hip bone mineral density, along with enhancements in posture, balance, and overall physical function in the high-intensity resistance training group. Conversely, the low-intensity exercise group exhibited little to no improvement and, in some cases, even experienced deterioration. This robust evidence underscores the necessity of at least six months of high-intensity exercise to yield positive outcomes.

Eligibility Criteria

The Strong Bones program at Range Physio is suitable for those wishing to increase or maintain bone density. Anyone with a current diagnosis of osteopenia, osteoporosis or is considered at-risk of low bone mass will benefit from this program.

What to Expect from the Strong Bones Program

The Strong Bones program at Range Physio is a comprehensive approach to enhancing bone health. It encompasses the following components:

  1. Initial Assessment: An assessment of your current health status and personalised 1:1 Foundation sessions with your physiotherapist to create a tailored program that suits your unique needs.
  2. Exercise Techniques: You’ll learn the correct techniques, beginning with lighter weights and progressing to a combination of resistance and impact exercises. Additionally, balance and postural improvement exercises will be included. These exercises are gradually intensified in a supervised setting.
  3. Small Group Sessions: Our program is conducted in small groups, with no more than five participants per class. This setup ensures you receive personalised support and guidance from your physiotherapist. Classes run for 45 minutes, and research suggests completing two sessions per week to optimise bone health management.
  4. Regular Reassessment: Your progress will be assessed every 12 weeks to track improvements in muscle strength and balance. This reassessment aligns with the re-evaluation of bone mineral density, which is monitored by your doctor.
  5. Ongoing Progression: The Strong Bones program is designed to be delivered indefinitely, with gradual adjustments and modifications to align with your evolving exercise goals.

Safety First

While research underscores the benefits of higher intensity exercises for bone health, it’s crucial to approach this training with a focus on safety. At Range Physio, our physiotherapists are trained to:
– Assess your current health, considering any pre-existing injuries or conditions.
– Provide detailed baseline and yearly assessment results to both you and your GP.
– Safely and effectively deliver the Strong Bones program
– Make informed decisions regarding when to advance, regress, or maintain your program to minimise injury risks.

Did You Know?

– In Australia, approximately one in four women over 50 years of age and one in two women over 80 years of age have osteoporosis.
– Half of all fractures in individuals over 60 occur when bone mineral density is osteopenic.
Remember, it’s never too late to prioritise your bone health through tailored exercise programs. Join the Strong Bones program at Range Physio and embark on a journey towards stronger, healthier bones.

Interested in our Strong Bones Program? Book an Initial Consultation or Contact us